San Jose City College
     Episode 39 ~ The Pressure's On

Prepare to answer these discussion questions after viewing Episode 39.

Part I:
1. Who greets Rebecca at the after school program? Was she happy to see them? How do you know?

2. Why does Rebecca cry? What advice does Ramon give her? Do you think this is good advice? Why or why not?

3. How will Ramon help Rebecca out financially? What else does he offer to do to cheer up Rebecca?

Part II:
4. When Rebecca sees Professor Thomas at the music school, what two options does he give her? Which option does Rebecca choose? Do you think she made the right decision? Why or why not?

5. What does the Professor give to Rebecca to help her study and what advice does he offer?

6. What will Rebecca lose if she does not pass her courses?

7. Do you think Rebecca's roommate Angela seems nosy? Explain your answer.

Part III:
8. Why does Alberto drop by? Does Rebecca seem happy or nervous during the visit? Does Alberto listen to Rebecca or understand her situation?

9. Give your own impression of Alberto. Do you like him? Why or why not? Do you think Rebecca should go to the opera with him? Explain your answer.

10. At the end in response to Angela's questions, Rebecca uses two adjectives (past participles) to express how she feels. Write the adjectives.

11. For each quotation, identify the speaker and say if you agree or disagree. Explain your point of view.
    "There's nothing worse than seeing a grown man cry, except maybe seeing two grown men cry."

    "In my country we do not work for a time after the death of a loved one. We take time to remember."

    "In the United States, sometimes we move too fast."

    "My advice? Go out and have a grand time."

12. Take notes as you listen to the discussion group. What ideas about success did you hear?

13. What is your own definition of success? Has your understanding of the meaning of success changed over time? If so, explain.