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Grammar Syntax/Writing Punctuation Vocabulary Pronunciation ESL Station

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Check the word that does not belong. Green signals a correct answer.

1. laughs      sobs      giggles      titters

2. rebuff      reject      dismiss      acknowledge

3. accuse      blame      praise      chide

4. analysis      apprehension      worry      anxiety

5. irritable      annoyed      pleasant      grouchy

6. hidden      blatant      obvious       undisquised

7. shocking      surprising      astounding      revealing

8. repression      dejection      disappointment       sadness

9. defray      cover      pay       receive

10. corrupt      immoral      dishonest       dismay

Now use the correct form of the italicized word in each set. Use the words in the above numerical order.

1. His classmates' at him made Barack feel uncomfortable.

2. Lolo withdrew futher and further into himself. Whenever Ann asked Lolo what was wrong, he her.

3. After flew at dinner one night, Barack began to count the days until his father would leave.

4. Barack was extremely about his father's visit to the school.

5. Gramps grew more as his dreams receded further and further from reality.

6. Toot was a victim of sexism; she was never recognized for her competence or paid what she deserved.

7. Ann was utterly by the news that Lolo had been forced to return to Indonesia by the Indonesian government.

8. Gramps felt more and more with each unsuccessful attempt to schedule an appointment with a client.

9. Toot had gone to work to help the cost of taking care of an unexpected baby.

10. Ann sent Barack back to the States to get a good education and to avoid the that was inherent in Lolo's perception of power.

Content development by Kathleen Hanson, San Jose City College.
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