San Jose City College
Chapter 5 - Back to the Fields

Directions: Print this page and write the answers to the questions. (Or open a Word document and type your answers.) Use complete sentences except where you are asked to list information.

1. At the beginning of the chapter Jimenez has mixed feelings. Explain why.

2. Explain the context for the following quote: "You could smell death in the air. The fields were irrigated with blood and men hung from trees like rotting fruit." (p. 49).    Irrigated with blood is a simile simile / metaphormetaphor.

Like rotting fruit is a similesimile / metaphormetaphor.

3. What was the father's dream? Why was it so appealing to him?

Before completing the questions below, read this explanation of conflict in literature. Scroll down to The Four Major Types of Conflict. (Use the outer and inner scroll bars as needed.)

[Read the Explanation] [Close the Explanation]

4. Based on what you have read, we can say that la migra is an antagonist, and poverty and racism are conflicts within society. What internal conflict did Papá feel? (Hint: Why did he feel torn?)

5. What two conflicts with nature did the family experience? (pages 52 and 53)

6. Jimenez states, "The three acres consumed all our resources and time." (p. 50) Explain the impact sharecropping had on the following:

      The family's financial resources -

      The father's work load and physical condition -

      Francisco's and Roberto's schedule, school work, and physical condition -

7. What does the author mean when he says "The ground was as stubborn Personification is giving human qualities to animals, things in nature, or objects. Note that the selected word in the quotation is an example of the weeds?"

8. In the last paragraph on page 51, identify two similes. On page 52, identify the metaphor about fog. Underline the word that is the metaphor.

9. As Papá's dream died, how did he change? What effect did this have on Roberto and Francisco?

10. On page 54, explain the line, "I knew I had crossed the line."

11. What did Francisco do that seemed so disrespectful in his father's eyes?

12. Identify the lines that show Francisco feared his father's anger. What simile further shows the father's penetrating anger?


Content by Celia Cruz, Kathy Hanson, and Leslie Rice at San Jose City College.
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