San Jose City College
     Making Connections      

Please Read the chapter carefully and then write your answers to the questions below.  (Pages 94-102)

1. Why was Francisco a weak writer? What did his English teacher suggest he do for improvement? Explain why you would agree or disagree with her suggestion.

2. Why was the teacher's suggestion difficult for Francisco to carry out? List all the reasons.

3. Characterize Miss Audrey Bell. Use general words that you can infer from each specific detail. (In other words, you will be making inferences about her physical appearance and personality.)

4. What difficulties did Francisco have with reading? When it came to writing compositions about short stories, why was he falling short and getting low grades?

5. How do your own difficulties with reading and writing compare to Francisco's? What steps do you take to improve?

6. For a personal experience composition, Francisco decided to write about Trampita. How did Trampita get his name? When he was still young enough to be bottle-fed, what happened that made him "stiff and purple"?

7. When Miss Bell returned Francisco's composition on Trampita, why did he feel worse than usual?

8. What did Miss Bell say about Francisco's story? What line shows that she was personally touched by the story? How did she motivate him to keep working on his writing? (Use indirect speech to report everything she said. - P. 99)

9. Was Francisco's mother also moved by the story? How do you know?

10. Explain Francisco's mixed feelings when Miss Bell gave him The Grapes of Wrath to read. Write the sentence on page 100 that uses figurative language to express a negative feeling?

11. Briefly explain what the Grapes of Wrath is about. How are the characters and their experiences similar to those of the Jimenez family and their friend, Don Gabriel? Make a list of all the similarities.

12. Did Francisco sleep well the first night he stayed up reading the novel? Explain your answer.

13. In what way was reading The Grapes of Wrath a big breakthrough for Francisco?      


Content development by Leslie Rice, Celia Cruz, and Kathy Hanson, San Jose City College
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