San Jose City College
   Junior Scandals

1. What was the event called "Junior Scandals"? Why was Francisco reluctant  hesitant, uncertain to participate at first?

2. What does "Be there or be square" mean? (p. 129)

3. What made Francisco feel homesick? (p. 130) Have you ever felt homesick? What triggered your homesickness?

4. Why do you think "Papa's eyes watered"? (p. 130) What was he probably thinking and feeling?

5. List three acts that the students other than Francisco were practicing for the Junior Scandals.



6. How was Francisco's proposed act received by the group? What line explains how Francisco felt about this?

7. What is a "makeshift stage? (p. 133)

8. Why did Francisco kiss his St. Christopher medal?

9. At the beginning of his act, Francisco's "mouth felt as though it was stuffed with cotton." What does this mean?

10. A classmate named Marvin and Roberto gave Francisco the same words of encouragement. Roberto hollered, "No te rajes, Panchito." What were Marvin's words? Basically, what does this mean? (top of p. 128)

11. Write the sentence that contains a simile on page 133.

12. How did the audience like Francisco's performance? How do you know this?


Content by Celia Cruz, Kathy Hanson, and Leslie Rice at San Jose City College.
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