San Jose City College
ESL 91L Assignment
Narration: Telling a Story

Using the software program, Writer's Resources, will further your skill in writing narrative essays. The program is on all of the computer desktops in the ESL Lab. Follow these directions when you open the program to review narration.

1. Open the shortcut to Writer's Resources on the computer desktop.

2. Follow this path: Menu Page → Rhetorical Patterns Lessons → 2. Narration → 2.2 Definition: Read and open all active links (Underlined blue text).

3. Click the right arrow and go to page 3. Read the paragraph titled Disaster Prom. Then click on Topic sentence, Transitions, and Outline links.

4. Click the right arrow to go to page 4. Read the essay titled Disaster Prom.

5. Click on and read Thesis, Topic Sentences, Transitions, and Outline. Study these links carefully.

6. Use the right arrow and go to page 5. Study chronological order and again review the essay outline.

7. Go to page 6. Listen to the three thesis statements.

8. Click on and read the five tips that help you plan a narration.

9. On page 8, study the two transitional devices listed. Click on each link to see examples of conjunctive adverbs and transitional expressions.

10. On page 9, study how to avoid common problems. Read Pitfall 1 and Pitfall 2.

11. On page 10, read the sample paragraph about Rosa Parks (the second link).

12. On page 11, read the second sample essay by Alicia.

13. On page 12, put the jumbled sentences in chronological order. Directions for moving the sentences within the passage are at the top of the page. Not all sentences will need to be moved. It is recommended that you do this challenging exercise with a partner. Click the submit button to see if you guessed the correct order.

Now you should be ready to plan and write your own narrative essay.

Prepared for ESL 91L at San Jose City College
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