San Jose City College
   ~ Connect with English, Episode 28: Brothers

Fill in the missing words. When you can't, type a question mark in the frame and hit enter.

1. When Uncle Brendan arrives at the hospital, he says, "I wish it under different circumstances."   NoteWe use the subjunctive form of BE after the verb wish because a wish is for something unreal or impossible. Were is the only subjunctive form of this verb.

The circumstances weren't happy. (REAL) Brendan wishes his visit were due to happier circumstances. (But the circumstances are very unhappy!)

2. Then he asks Rebecca how she's up.

3. Rebecca says, "We're okay. It's Dad I'm about.

4. Uncle Brendan wants to know if Patrick knows Rebecca him.

5. She replies, "Yes, he to you."

6. Brendan asks to see Patrick for a few .

7. Rebecca says to Kevin, "I hope we did the .

8. When Rebecca says she's worried about Kevin, he says, "I'll .

9. Rebecca goes to the cafeteria to say to Sandy, but she's not .

10. Brendan goes into the room and says, "Patrick, Brendan, your .

11. Click all of the phrases you hear Brendan say.

     It's been a long time -- too long.
     We're two pig-headed Irishmen.
     ... so different
     ... so stubborn
     ... almost 20 years
     ... not the way brothers are supposed to be
     ... short memories and long tempers
     short tempers and long memories
     I'm ready to forgive and forget.

Read the dialogue between Rebecca and Kevin. Fill in the missing words.

Kevin: Where Sandy ?

Rebecca: I don't know. I can't believe she .

Kevin: What's ?

Rebecca: Looks like been Sandy .

Kevin: You've got to be . Actually her?

Rebecca: Yeah. you should see her . She has a huge and mark here.

Kevin: That ! He have his .

Rebecca: Kevin, don't .

Answer the following questions with a conversation partner:

1. Who does Brendan call and what does he say?
2. Who does Rebecca call? What important information does she give?
3. What was Patrick Casey's career? How do you know?
4. Who sends flowers to Rebecca? How is the card signed?
5. Had Kevin and Rebecca ever met Brendan and Ann? How do you know?
6. Who does Brendan recognize at the wakeA gathering of friends and family of the deceased at a funeral home before the burial. ? Were they once on good termsTo have friendly relations with each other; to be in touch with each other. ? How do you know?
7. What does Rebecca ask Ann about? How does Ann respond?
8. When the episode ends, we still don't know what Patrick's and Brendan's disagreement was about. What do you think might have caused the rift between the two brothers?

The following are important expressions you will hear in the discussion section. Can you explain the meaning of the words in bold?

Patrick and Brendan were able to resolve their disagreement.
They were able to make amends before it was too late.
Calamity or disaster always brings the good out of human beings.

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