San Jose City College
  Episode 33 ~ A Breakdown

1. Kevin and Laura go to the Ocean Front to watch planes land. Does visiting with Laura make him feel better or worse? Explain all the reasons why.

2. Meanwhile, back at the apartment, Uncle Brendan and Aunt Anne start to leave, but Brendan can't find his keys. Who does Rebecca finally call in her search for Kevin?

3. What happens during the phone call? Do you think the relationship between Jack and Sandy will ever get better? Do you think Jack's drinking is any excuse for his behavior? Explain your answer and how you would resolve the situation.

4. When Kevin gets back to the apartment, he can't deal with Rebecca's and Brendan's comments. What do they say that makes him feel worse? How does Anne try to make him feel better?

5. Kevin storms out of the house again and Rebecca follows him to a park where he sits in the darkness under a jungle gym. How does she finally reach him, or make some connection with him? What was Kevin's impression of her song, "Life Stinks"? Why do you think it worked?

6. What does she tell him before they head back to the apartment? What doesn't she tell him? Why do you think she holds back and doesn't tell him?

7. The discussion group talks about relationships between older and younger siblings. (Remember, Rebecca is about ten years older than Kevin). Describe the relationship between an older and a much younger sibling in your culture. Is their relationship close or distant? Can the older one tell the younger one what to do or make any decisions for him or her? What circumstances influence the position of the older one over the younger one?