San Jose City College
    Episode 35 ~ Changes

Leaving Sandy's Apartment...

1. Later in the episode, Kevin says, "It was quite a scene." Desribe the scene that occurs as Sandy, Rebecca, and Kevin rush from Sandy's apartment building. Describe how Rebecca and Kevin help to restrain Jack. What do they say to him?

2. What does Sandy do?
3. What happens when the police come and what do they tell Sandy to do? What did they advise her against? Why?

4. Why can't Rebecca go with Sandy?

In Brendan's rental car...

5. What does Kevin want Sandy to do? Why? What reason does he give for making his decision?

6. Brendan says he doesn't think Kevin will have any .

Back at the Casey Apartment...

7. When Kevin says he should check the mail, Rebecca says, "There be any. I had the mail to Uncle Brendan's farm.

8. Who does Rebecca receive a package from? What two things are in the package?

9. How does Rebecca answer Kevin's question, "Who's Alex, anyhow?"

At the diner...

10. What does Sandy tell Rebecca about the shelter? How long does she intend to stay there?

11. How does Sandy feel about the whole situation? In what way is she like a lot of women there? What can help her?

12. What does Rebecca give to Sandy? Do you think Sandy will be safe?

Discussion Group...

13. What did Sandy realize about "luck"?

14. Do you believe that some people are just unlucky or can they make their own luck? Explain your answer with examples from real life.