San Jose City College
    Epidsode 36 ~ The Farm

1. Give your own reaction to the farm. How would you describe it?

2. When Aunt Anne offers Kevin ice cream, why does she say, "any flavor you want, as long as it's vanilla..."? Where did the ice cream come from?

3. How did Brendan and Anne get this farm? How old is it?

4. Click the words you hear that describe the farmhouse.

      cozy       lovely      large       homey       expensive

5. What kind of a farm is it? How many cows are there? Why do they get milk from only sixty at a time?

6. What does Kevin learn about milking the cows?

7. What does Uncle Brendan tell Kevin when he asks, "Can you actually make money farming"?

8. How does Uncle Brendan plan to ease his financial burden? List two things.

9. What did Kevin never realize about farmers? What does he learn about his cousin Michael?

10. What holiday are they celebrating and who all will be there for dinner?

11. What decision do Kevin and Rebecca make? What's in it for Rebecca? (Think about why Kevin says "She's a royal pain in the neck.") What's in it for Kevin? What's in it for Uncle Brendan?

Note: What's in it for Kevin means what will he gain from this decision?

12. Do you think Kevin will be happier on the farm that he would be if he stayed in Boston? Explain your answer.