San Jose City College

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   Lupita Mañana ~ Chapter 1

Before Reading: Think about this question: Have you ever had a feeling of FOREBODING - a feeling that something bad has happened or is about to happen? Write about your feeling. What was it that you feared? Did the event or thing you feared actually happen? Did the event turn out to be as bad as or better than you thought it would be?

While Reading: Read Chapter 1 from start to finish without stopping to look up words.

After Reading: For better understanding of the characters and the setting, take notes. List the page numbers where you found the information for easy reference in discussion.

Details about characters:

Carmela García de Torres
Lupita Torres
Salvador Torres
Hernando Torres
Captain Ortega
Details about the setting:
Write: Write a paragraph that describes the tragedy that begins the story. What do you think will happen to the family as a result?

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