San Jose City College

                       Farewell to Manzanar
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Discussion Questions for Chapter 9

1. What was it about the experience at Fort Lincoln that disgraced Ko and other Japanese men? Using vocabulary from the chapter, describe the effects of the experience on these men. How did different men cope with the experience?

2. Identify two men who represent opposing loyalties. What affiliation or circumstances influenced the loyalty of each?

3. List the events that led up to the December riot. What was the immediate cause that triggered it? What was the outcome?

4. Explain Papa's stance toward the riot and the rioters. What did mama believe was the real cause of the riot?

Discussion Questions for Chapter 10

1. Where was Jeanne's brother-in-law, Kaz, the night of the riots and why was he there?

2. Describe the incident that occurred on Kaz's watch.

3. What does the incident show about the perceptions and feelings of many Americans toward Japanese at that time?