San Jose City College
                         Chapter 2: Shikata Ga Nai
Barracks at Manzanar  
1. In this chapter, we learn of three different settings where the family resided prior to and during their evacuation to Manzanar. Briefly describe each place and the people living there. Explain how each place and its people affected the narrator. What fears did she have?

    Ocean Park:

    Terminal Island:

    Boyle Heights

2. What bad experience on Terminal Island was particularly difficult for mama? Describe what happened and how she reacted.

3. As families were being forced to relocate in internment camps, what were mama and Jeanne's older brothers most concerned about?

4. List details that indicate that racism against the Japanese was now an institutionalized racism.

5. In what ways was Manzanar a virtual prison?

6. How did Jeanne's oldest sister and her husband get the chance to leave Manzanar? Where would they go, and why did they make the decision to leave the family?

7. Explain the significance of the title, Shikata Ga Nai.

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