San Jose City College

Farewell to Manzanar, Chapter 4

1. One conclusion a reader could draw from this chapter is that the Japanese at Manzanar showed real ingenuity inventiveness / cleverness . List the evidence that supports this conclusion about the following people:


      the seamstresses

      the old lady in the latrine

2. List the health issues and risks to internees' health discussed in the chapter.

3. What were two common traits of the Japanese at this time? Why were these traits so universal among them?

4. What were the Manzanar internees able to accomplish because of the first trait?

5. What three situations were an affront to the second trait?

Write: The Wakatsuki family faced extremely difficult living conditions at Manzanar internment camp. In one paragraph, or in an expanded essay, describe the conditions that made their lives miserable.

Use your own words. If you use more than three words from the text in sequence, you must use quotation marks and put the page number in parentheses after the sentence.