San Jose City College
      Moving Still

1. Describe the family's circumstances at the beginning of the chapter. (111)

2. Why was Papá worried one day when Francisco got home from school?

3. What had happened earlier in Tent City? Explain their luck that day.

4. What warning did Papa give Roberto and Francisco? (115)

5. Why does Papá feel more and more worthless? (116)

6. What important decision does the family make? Underline the simile and circle the metaphor that create a pleasing image. (117)

7. Why was Bonetti Ranch a safer place for the family to live? (117) Why was Francisco particularly excited about going back? (119)

8. What amenitiesAnything like electricity that makes it easier to live in a place.  did the family have at Bonetti ranch. What didn't they have? What simile says it all? (121) How did the family improve their living quarters?

9. Why was Francisco worried about Papá and thinking about Roberto? What was Roberto's great disappointment?

10. Why was Papá proud and happy when Francisco came home from school one day?

11. What lines was Francisco trying to memorize? Can you recite them? What do they mean to you?

12. How did one Friday school day start out just right? How did it end? Underline the sentence with a metaphor that expresses Francisco's feelings.

13. Why do you think la migra came to the school and to Roberto's work place to pick them up? What does the title of the story suggest will happen? Write your personal reaction to this event.

14. Do the lofty showing high moral ideals  words of the Declaration of Independence (129) ring true or false in the case of the Jiménez family at that time? Explain your answer. Do they ring true or false in your own life today? Explain.

Word Bank: Add several new words to your word bank.