San Jose City College
    Miracle in Tent City

1. What was Tent City and where was it located? What two types of farm labor took place nearby? Which group did each type of labor? Explain the difference.

2. Why couldn't Mamá work during this time? How did she help the family make ends meet? Why was this work difficult? Who helped her?

3. Describe the makeshiftMakeshift is used to describe anything that is made for temporary use from whatever is available when you need something and there is nothing better available. "icebox" that Papá made. How often did he have to replace the block of ice? What problems might there be with this type of refrigeration?

4. What things did Mamá ask Papá to do to prepare the tent for the new baby? How did Francisco and Roberto help make this happen?

5. Why did the family nickname the new baby "Torito"? What details show he was a healthy baby? What did playing with him help Francisco forget?

6. What happened to Torito after a couple of months? List details that describe his condition.

7. Why didn't they take Torito to the hospital? Might there be two reasons? What did they do instead?

8. What was a clear sign that Torito was getting worse? (page 35)

9. Who was Doña María and what was she known for in Tent City? What is the Spanish word for people like her? Why do you think she wore a "small, purple velvet bag that jingled when she walked"?

9. What is your opinion of the treatment Doña María gave to Torito? Describe the baby's symptoms moments after she left? Finally, what did the parents do?

10. What promise did Papá and Mamá make?

In this chapter we see how the family relies on prayer to get Torito through his illness. The parents had no education, no money, and no legal status. They also had the religious and cultural sensibilities of many (especially poor) Mexicans. Below are the icons the family prayed to. To read about each iconAn icon is an image of a holy person in the form of a picture or a statue. , click on the image. The first image includes music (The Ave Maria).

11. Explain the significance of the blue cloak that Mamá made for Torito? Why did she make it? What had Francisco told her about?

12. One year later, what did Mamá tell her children the doctor had said about Torito? Explain the symbolism of her taking off the baby's cloak. Link this to the title of the chapter.

13. In your culture, are there people like curanderas who practice nonscientific, very traditional ways of treating physical or mental illnesses? Can you describe some of their methods of healing? What effect have these methods had on sick people?

Word Bank: Add at least five new words to your word bank.