San Jose City College
     Death Forgiven

1. Who was the latest member of the family and how did he arrive?

2. Describe how Francisco would play with El Perico, showing how he developed a great affection for him.

3. Explain how El Perico became attached to the cat, Caterina. What would upset El Perico and how would he react?

4. Why was Papa in a horrible mood? Describe what happened one night when Chico and Pilar visited without Caterina.

5. On page 59, Bracket two sentences that use similes. Underline the simile in each.
Scan for and circle strong action verbs that depict Papá's angry actions.
List -ing verbals (gerunds) that express anger, horror, and emotional pain.
Underline the metaphor that describes the bleeding El Perico.

6. Personification is the representation of something as a person. Writers often give personal characteristics to things, actions, or qualities to make them come alive. On page 59, what "chased" Francisco out of the garage? These three words take on human dimensions.

7. What soothed Francisco? What line relates to the title, "Death Forgiven"? Click to read a translation of Francisco's prayerHoly Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. .

8. Describe the boys' burial of the bird. What happened after two weeks? How does this relate to the title of the book?

Word Bank: Add the phrases below to your word bank and define the words in bold. Add a few more words of your own.

undocumented farm workers, to be smuggled from Mexico, a makeshift cage, a dilapidated garage, to perch on, to throw a tantrum, to shriek, to wail