San Jose City College

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   Lupita Mañana ~ Chapter 2

As you read Chapter 2 and discuss it, consider the economic and psychological effects of the family's tragic circumstances on mamá, Lupita, and Salvador. To work on this page, you will have to print it. Go to pages 2 and 3 for interactive activities.

1. In your culture, is it common for family members to rely on extended family members for help? Which relatives can they rely on? What kind of help can be expected? For how long can their support be expected?

2. What did you learn about the aunts and uncles and their ability to help out financially. Fill in the chart.

The Extended Family

Their Circumstances

Uncle Antonio  
Aunt Consuelo  
Carmela's two brothers  
Carmela's other sister  
Hernando's sisters  

3. What solution do Uncle Antonio and the young priest have for replacing Hernando's income? Why do they believe this solution will work?

4. Explain the conflict Salvador has that makes him believe their solution won't work. Who does he go to see? What do they arrange for Salvador to do?

5. Why does Lupita want to go along with Salvador to see Captain Ortega?

6. Describe the scene that occurs when Salvador and Lupita go to Captain Ortega's boat.

7. Describe Salvador's reaction:

    Describe Lupita's reaction:

    Describe your own reaction:

8. Highlight Salvador's words that show his and Lupita's ways of thinking are different. The quote depicts a recurring characterization of the two siblings brother and sister . Can you list any adjectives that describe each one's way of thinking or attitude toward life? (p. 23)

9. Highlight the quotation that suggests that Salvador is superstitious. (p. 29)

10. What other solution does Uncle Antonio have? What arrangement does he make?

      What does this arrangement mean for Carmela? What condition is attached to it?

      What does it mean for Salvador and Lupita?

11. Explain why mamá believes this solution is possible. Why is Lupita skeptical? [Hint: What questions does she hold back? - p. 33]

12. Highlight Salvador's words that indicate his pride has been deeply hurt. (p. 32)

13. Highlight Salvador's words that show he understands why he must go to Indio. (p. 34)

14. At the end, Salvador scorns Lupita's simple belief that mañana will be better and says, "Lupita, you know nothing." What three things does Salvador tell Lupita?

15. What does Lupita say that might  foreshadow predict something before it happens  a future event.

Next     Chapter Index

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